Sunday, February 27, 2011

A funny thing happened...

We went out for hamburgers (and one veggie burrito) Friday evening with friends from San Diego who were visiting their sailboat, White Cap, for a week or so.  We were discussing beverage choices when I noticed that Jamaica was on the menu.  It is a beautiful red delicious "tea" made from dried hibiscus flowers. The ladies ordered that, then M, who speaks a modest amount of Spanish asked our server, who speaks a modest amount of English, if the restaurant also served cucaracha (at least that's what it sounded like.) The girl looked both surprised and confused; she repeated the request several times then indicated she would get her manager.  Meanwhile M explained that this was a sweetened rice drink she had had in San Diego.  The manager came back with our young lady and, trying to keep a straight face, asked M is she meant "horchata."  M turned as red as the Jamaica and we all had a good laugh as he explained that she had been asking for a cockroach. 
Like M, I like to try my Spanish whenever possible.  One usually stands less of a chance making a faux pas in a restaurant than in a, say, hardware store.  But the opportunity for saying something foolish or outrageous is always there for us newbies.  I am continually grateful for the tolerance, understanding and sense of humor exhibited by the Mexican people here in La Paz.

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