Monday, March 12, 2012

An attitude of gratitude

"Many people make themselves unhappy simply by finding it impossible to accept life just as it is presenting itself right now. There is always something to celebrate, so long as life is being lived"~~Neale Donald Walsch

So here I am in North Carolina, working on details aimed towards making yet another move and fulfilling certain other obligations. At the moment I have more time to just think than at any other time in my life. And I have concluded that although I am not in the Sea of Cortez with Captain Larry...there is much  to celebrate. 

Boating on Lake Murray
Age notwithstanding, I am in good health. I exercise daily, eat well, spend time with family and friends  and yes, take medication needed to control heart and hypertension issues which are more the result of "bad" genes than lifestyle issues. I look forward to many years of robust health and an energetic life. I am grateful.

Ashley sailing with Larry
All of the kids the 80's!
Having grieved the loss of beloved daughter, Ashley, 
I treasure the relationships I have with her siblings, both biological and "step." Indeed in my mind all five are "our" children, and that goes for their children as well. I am grateful.

People may be surprised to know that birds can be affectionate companions but Buddi is the best. We have been known to share a meal and even a pillow on a cold night. I do not doubt that she loves me and misses Larry almost as much as I do. She is a  splendid buddy. I am grateful.
Fall colors

I confess to finding Florida's weather, landscapes and beaches utterly delightful and I have fallen in love with Baja Mexico's beauty and charm. But that does not diminish the allure of this part of our country. I have enjoyed experiencing four seasons in all their wonderful variety... yes, even the cold rainy days and the opportunity to light a fire and brew a cup of hot tea. I am grateful.

Captain Larry working on Milagro
I have the love of a good man. Nobody is perfect but I know him to have an innate goodness which makes me proud and happy to have spent the better part of thirty years with him and inspires me to anticipate the next chapter... and the one after that. I am grateful.

 There are always events in our lives to celebrate. How marvelous to have the time and opportunity to do so.

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