Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Milagro at dock
It would seem that "all" did not go well after all. As of today Milagro is ready to slip her dock lines. The galley is stocked; the crew is ready; and the captain is chomping at the bit. But the winter storm front which swept western U.S. dipped down as far as Loreto, B.C.S. The prediction is for 30 knot winds and high seas. Been there, done that and still wearing the T-shirt!
As Larry is awaiting shipment of a new pump to go with the new auto pilot, the currently planned trip will require hand steering. Only one of the additional crew will be handling boat duties. The high winds mean miserable conditions for anchoring in the islands and long stints at the helm for the 40 plus hours crossing to Mazatlan. Hardly the enjoyable trip anticipated.
I am more easily disheartened than Larry by the the persistent problems and delays. So many factors have refocused our energy: personal and family issues, mechanical glitches, time-consuming projects, even social life; I wonder, in my glass-half-empty moments, if Milagro, Larry and I (and of course, Buddi) will ever untie the lines and head off for our intended adventure.
Recently I amused myself by rereading this blog from the beginning.  It gave me immense pleasure to recall  all that we have seen and accomplished since leaving for Mexico in September of 2009. True, we haven't sailed blue water but our adventures have been many and varied. We've met wonderful people and had experiences may would envy.
Again, for me, it is a matter of gratitude. While I am disappointed for Larry that this crossing has been delayed - again - I know we are fortunate for those experiences we've had so far. The storm will pass and with any good fortune at all Milagro will head out to the islands in a few days.

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