Friday, March 30, 2012


I can not help myself; it's time to whine. As Larry explores part of the west coast of Mexico and tests Milagro's systems under real conditions I remain in North Carolina with my own form of testing going on. The city and countryside abound with beautiful budding trees and flowers, and I do appreciate it all; but as I enjoy I wait impatiently to see how certain health issues, worrisome but not life-threatening, will influence my future.
Genetics! who knew? Years ago I watched my mother suffer maladies and premature aging with the solid knowledge that I would not endure her fate because I took care of myself. How arrogant of me. Ten years ago I had a heart attack while paddling my new kayak in the middle of the ICW near Boynton Beach, Florida. My adorable Brazilian cardiologist had no sympathy when I whined," I don't get it: I practice Yoga and aerobic exercise regularly, I meditate, I'm a vegetarian who eats an excellent diet and while I smoked at one time, I gave it up years ago. Why me?" Genetics, he replied.
So here I am, still trying to do "the right thing" and I still have health issues. I know, I know, I could be worse off and would have been worse off if I hadn't tried to live a healthy lifestyle. But at the moment...that is of little comfort to me.
I am painfully aware that my decision to leave Milagro and Larry in Mexico, no matter how carefully and lovingly made, has caused some serious complications in both of our lives. I sincerely hope that health will not now prevent me from sharing life and adventure with the Captain. And I work towards that goal daily.
Okay, I'm whining once again but perhaps it is forgivable every ten years or so. I just want to put the past in the past and rejoin my favorite captain. I have loved spending time with family and friends but it is time to get back with my husband. Being with him is like having the sun shine on me every day.

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