Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mazatlan and more

Wow, many mixed emotions coming to the surface. I'm so happy Milagro has settled safely if temporarily in Mazatlan. It seems the passage was pleasant if not spectacular and of all the possibilities "pleasant" is pretty high on the list. I can't help but envy the fact that captain and crew actually made it all the way across the Sea of Cortez. As internet and phone access are even less reliable there than in  La Paz, we have only chatted a couple of times, but I do know that Larry has been out exploring the area,  both by bicycle and dinghy, and plans to send pictures when he returns to La Paz.
He was also planning on joining fellow sailors and friends John, and Damon and Erin for a good local meal and an exchange of recent adventures. John has been in Mazatlan much of the winter and the Cruzes have been sailing the west coast of the mainland. I'm going to miss seeing them; they were, at least for a while, an integral part of our lives, our La Paz family.
I have never been reminded so clearly that one must live with the consequences of his actions. I made choices about a year ago which have had effects both far reaching and in some cases painful. It's never too late for a good lesson and the lesson I learned was, "Be careful what you wish for!"

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