Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deja vu

Looking forward to the cross country trip
The fact that I have "been there, done that" doesn't make the idea of moving to Mexico, once again, any less daunting. But there have been lessons learned:  I now know that I do not need a closet full of clothes. Because drawer and closet space is tight Larry and I tended to wear, and wash, and wear again the same 5 or 6 outfits!
 I've come to accept that my beloved cello is just too bulky to bring aboard a boat. Oh it will fit, but the act of getting it out is such a hassle as to make the playing of it less pleasurable.
 Cooking will nearly always be a simple affair on board a sailboat (at least our sailboat) so only the basic tools are needed and I will skip packing some of the extras.
Got to have the bird!
My Kindle replaces heavy boxes of books; can't live without it and because of its diminutive size I won't have to.
However our sun conure, much like a baby, will require a larger inventory: two cages and a back pack as well as toys (yes, toys) and a large supply of food.
Other than the bare necessities I will pack bottled water, books on CD and a bag of fruit for the cross country trip. That will do nicely, thank you. I just don't need a lot of stuff. The next time I make this trip I will pack lightly...very lightly.
Gorgeous NC autumn
The hardest part will be saying goodbye - again. I have so enjoyed the company of both adult children and grandchildren,
not to mention the friendship of  my son-in-law's mother. Even the daughters who live in Philadelphia and England have been more easily accessible. I will most assuredly miss the increased closeness of family.
Happy together...
I also confess that while I love warm weather it has been a true pleasure experiencing four seasons. ...But oh my goodness, I miss my husband and the life we had together in Mexico.
Should I have stayed there in the first place? That's a moot point. I promised myself - and Larry - no regrets, no recriminations.
So for now both of us are working hard on opposite sides on the continent to put things in order. I'm making lists, deciding what goes where and divesting myself of those items I probably never needed in the first place. I am also in spring cleaning mode so its not pretty around here.

It's a cliche, I know, but life really is full of surprises and there are no guarantees. So I write these plans in the sand - at low tide! - knowing any one of a million things could happen to change those plans, but trusting this time we'll  get it right.

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