Friday, April 20, 2012

A different kind of adventure...

The whole clan (minus the Captain)
I will be spending this weekend - and the next four weekends - with seven grandchildren and their "other" grandmother, and, for part of the time, their grandfather and Aunt Katy. Their parents have traveled to the Ukraine to adopt two more children (no, that's not a misprint) and they took the current baby, who just turned one. Friends will be doing middle of the week duty with family members responsible on the weekends. I think "babysitting" is not an acceptable term when some of the children are into double digits, so let's just say we will be sharing space and doing a bit of supervising.
There are all kinds of adventures and while I am anxiously awaiting my move back to Mexico and Milagro, while I can't wait to see a whole whale (not just the tail), while I look forward to exotic people, places and food...this is quite an adventure, too.
So check here early next week to discover all of the exciting - or not - things we have done. And please pray that the predicted rain goes elsewhere!
P.S. We'll miss you Teena!!

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