Sunday, April 1, 2012


I wonder. It's doubtful that the man who has always needed reminders for birthdays of children, grandchildren and even close friends has noticed that today is April Fools Day and decide to play a prank on me. So when I awoke early this morning and grabbed my laptop I was surprised - and a little bit concerned - to see that SPOT had not issued an O.K. message in more than 12 hours. I enumerated the possible reasons in my mind: the captain was sleeping off his cold and thus not taking a night watch, it was a beautiful night and the entire crew was enthralled by the night sky, for some reason SPOT was not functioning properly....because surely, Milagro, captain and crew were sailing contentedly and safely somewhere in the Sea of Cortez. Then I remembered (forehead slap), I now have tracking capability.
I immediately went to the SPOT website, entered my user id and password, and began the tracking. And there was Milagro, a teardrop shaped dot, and she had obviously progressed nicely during the night.
I'm still looking forward to the O.K. message I'm sure will come soon, but the tracking information has eased my mind considerably.
How nice it will be to be aboard and know exactly where Milagro is and where she is heading.

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