Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jam session aboard Milagro

Late yesterday afternoon Mike on La Otra tapped on our hull and suggested we get together and play music. Larry and I had put in a little practice time earlier so we were pleased with Mike's suggestion. I reminded him that we were still without refrigeration so didn't have much to offer other than a half bag of potato chips, crackers, peanut butter, assorted canned goods and water! Not very good snacking. We
Thanks Erin
agreed to meet in an hour and Larry hiked over to the Marina tienda for beer and peanuts (and yet he came back with beer and cookies) - I didn't complain. We invited Damon and Erin on Rose of Erin to join us and Erin offered to supply nachos, guacamole and salsa fresca and chips. A big thank you to Erin for yummy snacks including the best guacamole I have ever tasted (and that includes fresh guac from Whole Foods).
Damon sits one out while Mike plays
Our small group included two travel guitars, an auto harp and my electric cello...a strange collection for certain. We were joined shortly by Susan and Dennis on Two Can Play, taking a break from moving back on board, and temporary bachelor Bill on Eve G.

 Most of the music was bluegrass and I had a lot of fun making up harmony as we went along.
Susan and Dennis relax after a hard day

Damon and I are the "amateurs" in the group and we occasionally - or more often! - made mistakes but , no worries, we're all just having a good time.

Bill listens intently
The whole group

I love the spontaneity of the evening: no planning but a good time nevertheless.The sun set around 5:45 and we got together about 6:00 and didn't break up until 10:00. Looking forward to the return of other cruisers who play instruments: more "dock parties" with more music, more people and more fun.

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