Thursday, November 1, 2012


Breakfast at Cafe Ole
October 22, 2012 green the desert!
Lovely old church
Our sailing buddies on Voyager rented a car to drive to Loreto, which is about 14 miles away, and invited us to join them. We meet them at 8:30 and dinghy to the dock where a small sedan awaits us. The drive to Loreto is not as treacherous as we had anticipated. We have to slow to a crawl for some major potholes and drive down and across some rocky areas to get across an arroyo or two, but it is not really a bad trip and it is wonderful to see the countryside green and flowering.
We go first thing to the huge Sunday market which is already crowded.. There are lots of beautiful fresh vegetables and fruits and meat, not so appealing as it is sitting out on the sun. Even the omnivores among us are turned off. Once can also purchase local crafts as well as the usual second hand items.
At one point as I am walking and talking with a friend a large gringo walks up to me, taps me on the shoulder and says loudly, "Don't forget to vote." "I already did," I reply. "Expletive," he says, you must have voted for Obama!" "As far as I know we still have secret ballots in the U.S." I say to him. At this point he starts into a barrage epithets and obnoxious, racist statements whereupon my friend says, "Hey, if we'd wanted to listen to obnoxious political rhetoric we'd have stayed in the States." That wouldn't have been my next response but it seemed to work and he wandered off muttering to himself.

Bill gives belly rubs
The sun was shining, we'd lived through a "hurricane," I have health, enough of everything I need, good friends, loving family and a great husband: this extremist cannot ruin my day.
Rooftop pool

Then it was on to breakfast where we met Seychells and enjoyed good coffee, good food and good conversation.
Washed out area
We spent the rest of the day wandering about the town and doing a little shopping  Then it was back to Puerto Escondido for a pleasant dinner at Pedro's Porto Bello restaurant then back to the boat.

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